Faculty Scholar Medals
Established in September 1980, the Faculty Scholar Medals are given in recognition of scholarly excellence demonstrated by a single contribution or series of contributions focusing on a coherent theme. The contribution may be original basic research in one of six areas: arts and humanities; entrepreneurship, technology transfer, and economic development; life and health sciences; physical sciences; engineering; or social and behavioral sciences. The attainment for which the medal is given must have occurred during the five years preceding the award.
Contact: Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Dean for Graduate Studies | 304 Old Main | (814) 863-9580
Application deadline: For information on deadlines for submitting nominations and accompanying materials, check with the dean’s office in the individual colleges. Deans at University Park should submit final rankings of the recommendations from their areas to the senior vice president for research by December 1. Campus chancellors and deans from areas outside of University Park should submit recommendations to the vice president for the Commonwealth Campuses or the dean of The Graduate School (as appropriate) by November 15.