University Park Student Awards Ceremony
- Who should attend ceremonies at University Park?
- When and where will the ceremony take place?
- What time should I arrive?
- Who should attend ceremonies at University Park?
- Where do I park?
- Will my name be called?
- May I invite guests?
- Will there be assigned seating for the award recipient?
- What if I am unable to attend the ceremony?
- Is there a monetary award?
- What do I wear?
- Will professional photographs be available for purchase?
Who should attend ceremonies at University Park?
This University Park Student Awards Ceremony is intended for University Park Campus students. If you are a non-University student you will be receiving your award at the campus where you are attending.
What time should I arrive?
Award recipients should be at Eisenhower Auditorium no later than 12:30 p.m. in order to pick up your name card and check in. Award recipients should be in their seats no later than 1:15 p.m. as the program will begin promptly at 1:30 p.m.
How long will the ceremony last?
Approximately 60 minutes.
Where do I park?
Complimentary parking is available in the Eisenhower Parking Deck located behind Eisenhower Auditorium. Visit for complete driving directions and location.
Will my name be called?
Yes. When recipients in your award category (Freshman, Sparks, Evan Pugh Junior, or Evan Pugh Senior) are called to the stage, you will bring your name card with you so that your name will be called when you receive your award.
May I invite guests?
Yes. Be sure to complete the on-line form. When completing the number of expected guest, there is no need to inform the Office of Campus and Community Events if your guest count changes. You may share your congratulatory email and attachments with your family/guests.
If your guests anticipate needing any type of accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Kelly Kaiserian at 814-865-4727 by March 30, with regard to your needs.
Will there be assigned seating for the award recipient?
Yes. You will be required to sit in assigned seating according to the award that you are receiving. Your family members and guests will be directed to sit in the open seating area.
If you anticipate needing any type of accommodations, or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Campus and Community Events at 814-865-2501 by March 30, with regard to your needs.
What if I am unable to attend the ceremony?
The instructions included with your email invitation will specify where and when you may pick up your award.
Is this a monetary award?
No. Medallions are given to recipients of the Freshman, Sparks, Evan Pugh Junior and Evan Pugh Senior awards.
What do I wear?
Due to the formality of this occasion, and safety concerns when walking on the steps and stage, please wear appropriate footwear — loose-fitting shoes are not recommended. Business casual dress is appropriate.
Will professional photographs be available for purchase?
Photographers from GradImages™ will be at the ceremony to take photographs of each award recipient. If you are interested in being contacted by GradImages™, with an offer for a free 5 x 7 print and an opportunity to purchase additional photos, please provide your U.S. mail and email addresses on the reverse side of the name card that you will receive at the registration desks located in the lobby of Eisenhower Auditorium on the day of the ceremony. GradImages™ will be in touch with you soon after the ceremony.
If you have any other questions, call the Office of Campus and Community Events at 814-865-2501.